So here I am, and the day of my post has come, thankfully I waited this long to post. I’m allot cooler now, almost like 90% of rage is still left in me. I did write something down to post, but made a word check, I found out I used the word fuck 42 times between 453 words. So that counts for allot.
Anyways, I know I fell off the planet for a while back there, but hey, we all got reasons.
So how about I tell u a little story of Leomastic’s start of rage, but let me warn you, this doesnt concern you at all, so dont waist ur time reading…
One day almost the middle of September Leo changed his room in the dormitory. So having the artistic stoke he believes in, Leo decided to paint his room. The window wall is set to be bamboo green and the other two walls Fairouza blue. So what happened to the fourth wall you ask? Well it has a wooden door and two closets on the sides. So basically there isn’t enough space to paint on, just some touches here and there. Anyhow, that’s not the point, what I want to get to is, that a kid Leo knew kept giving cheesy comments on how crappy Leo’s taste is, how poor his painting skills are, and what a mess his room is going to look like. So Leo kinda took it personally after several repeated attempts. So finally, a week later it was ready to be lived in, Leo brought everything he could find at home and fixed up his room to stun. He admired how the room has turned from a nuthouse white walls into a honeymoon sweet.
Days passed by, and Leo got the flu, ramadhan was three days in at the time. So almost all his friends commented what crappy fasting he was doing, "ur supposed to be up and pray", Leo tried to explain, but no one listened until the little kid came back to visit Leo and wish him well. So Leo wanted to brag abit about his room with faded light from a nightstand. The kid looked all over and was like "mashAllah, it turned up to be very nice", so Leo felt that comfort within, but he couldn’t accept it till he made certain that the Leo was right and the kid wasn’t. so Leo asked again, honestly what do you think? The kid again came back and was, "well if it were my choice I wouldn’t even come close to choosing these colors!"Well, now its part Leo’s fault. He shouldn’t have pushed it, Leo should’ve bit his tong and just smiled back after the first reply! So now Leo get to feel pissed off himself, he is ill and everything seems to be a big deal. oh yeah and go the wrong direction, so here is where the true rage starts building up.
Every single day of ramadhan people were calling Leo, and Leo still couldn’t recover fully from the flu. Though he wanted to be left alone and just have a couple of bites, but everyone thought it was their job to cheer him up! WRONGE!
Anyhow, he kept quiet for an hour after fotoor till he could speak again, cos he knew he was just spit at their faces poisoned talk though they were doing good. So he just sat in silence.
Cmon, don’t be a baby,, move ur but, and lets go desert cruising” time is 1am. “
No I’m still too weak,” time is 1:45am.. they left….
The next day, “MOVE IT, don’t be such a baby about it” sure fine, Leo couldn’t bare a second over the 15 minute nag! His cousin paid for Leo to return after eid. In the desert, its 2 in the am, and every five minutes his buds lose his tag, he comes back just to find out there is no real use of him being there, so he starts to wonder, “why the fuck did they nag for two whole days!” 20 more minutes to the hour, he flips over a sand hill and loses his glasses. Brings back the bike to the shop and starts looking for his glasses. Well his cousin and friend just parked the bikes up the hill and beamed down the lights at the search space! He tells them, "ur waiting is costing u money, let me search alone and when ur done help me out." Again, both of them refuse, as gesturing they are good friends of his and start going up and down the hill in order to help find them. He tells them, "don’t break the trail, I don’t want to lose the place I fell on." Still, Vroom Vroom up and down! As if they are helping find them!
He goes back to the parked car in fumed rage and its almost 3am.
Now he tried to unlock the door, but this copied key don’t seem to work, he waits, they are done and Voila, here they come. “Are you okay” his cousin asks, “fuck off, u see me walking don’t u!” of course Leo is just fumed over him braking the trail nothing more. They stop at a grocer’s, “anything?!” “No, I’m fine, just get me back to shower and will someone please pump up the volume?” now Moe is driving, and the cousin is next to him, Leo wanted to sit in the back next to the subwoofer to ship into the music. So now Moe pumps the volume, and the cousin has a question so he lowers it back down down again. Once twice, almost 13 times this happened. Leo was raging even more, “Fuck man, will you at least give me the joy of listing to something other then ur ridicules blabbers!” now they are almost at the university gates. Two minutes of music, and half an hour of meaningless talks!
Fine, a couple of days pass by and now the homework needs to be submitted, Leo is done since last week when he had the flu. So now everyone wants to copy it. even Moe, leo's good friend was like “what are you crazy?! How could you give me the flash stick without the homework?” “listen fucker! I put in the files you could use for the project, you copied my proposal and i said nothing, and now you want the exact same solution as mine?! Fuck off” so he goes like, “ I’m coming, want me to grab you anything from outside?” WTF?!!!
Though he is a good friend of Leo’s but C’mon, have some decency bro. he offered to teach you how its done, but no u wanted the whole thing ready for ur disposal. It’s the last week before the eid break, and the whole university is going crazy. Its time to evaluate ur courses, midterms and major exams, proposals drop from the sky, quizzes need to be studied for, and home works are in tow! Its mayhem! And even though Leo made it clear he doenst need any distractions, you come and force ur self?
Anyways, the next day another student was next to Leo when he handed in the homework, and wanted a copy. “fine, I’ll meet u after class”. Class is done and four more are smiling at Leo as he entered the room! “Great now the teacher wont ever believe its my work not anyone else’s!” “12 people already have my homework, what difference would four more do?” now they find the proposal done and want a piece of that cake aswell. Fine do ur own copy, they fought with Leo, as if they were too busy to make a copy, so Leo told them it’s a take it or fuck-off offer! Well, they took it and each made a copy of his own!
Depressed Leo was that Monday. He called his cousin and told him remember Azeez, well he invites you personally for fotoor tonight. “Why, where, what about his family, then food is from outside, ..” Leomastic went ballistic and told him “listen, don’t make an excuse after every question, u coming or not??.... fine when you change ur mind let me know” bang the line cuts from Leo’s side. Now he starts to excuse his reactions, Leo was just looking over his cousin, for the past three days, his younger cousin is preoccupied, well Leo is jus watching out for him, but you cant be all that picky, either yes or no! seriously what the fuck? Also, the day wasn’t going so well, Leo lost his glasses and cant use his contacts as he wakes up, so he cant see jack at class time!, sixteen people copy his homework, some even try to be funny about it and jus show up at the door step squeezing cheeks and baboo faces. And now his cousin is being bitchy about Leo’s friend that’s inviting him!
Later this same day, actually a couple hours later, Leo’s on the phone arguing with his mum with some home affaires. He’s parked in a space behind the main road covered with trees. A car comes exactly behind him and honks as if his mother were dying! So he looks back, “great, the funny guy from last night!” Leo gives them way, and still they come beside his window. Now the argument with his mum is getting intense. He signals for them to go and he’ll follow them to Azeez’s place, and then as he turns his back to them he notices that they ignore and laugh or some shit. Now Leo is dying for a cigarette, its almost time and he’s surrounded with troubles all over. The funny guy " Moe" opens the door and gets ready to wave to his friend "Goodbye i'm with Leo". Leo shoves him back out again and locks up the doors from the inside and evil eyes his friend. Now a strong knock on the window followed with a shout” HEY!” distracts Leo from his family call again. Now Leo is ready to kick the devils ass and couldn’t care less for life. “this guy annoyed me twice to go desert biking, copies my exact same project proposal, and comes in to force him self into taking the homework and now this!!!” Leo talks to himself. Now as he evil eyes him and gets ready to pump adrenaline to the inside walls of his body he remembers important stuff. “Well this guy always called to check on me if had plans for fotoor or he’d ask me to come over, not a day passed he forgot. This guy always called to check on me if I needed anything as he came back to the university, he always volunteered to help out in any problem i faced and gave me solutions, always smiles to people and salutes them no matter how small or big they are! Now why would I want to fuck him up again?! Too late i’m at his face” so Leo shouts out hot air and rides his car again. Sends out messages, "thanks for the invite but I cant make it," shuts his phone and gets ready to study for his exam tomorrow. Now its 9pm, he opens his mobile to apologize to Moe, and as he composes he receives “the exam has been canceled” good news right? WRONG AGAIN! he wants to leave this very momet to his family but too late, he already arraigned with people to leave with him on Wednesday, and a guy he’s been after for a month now still owes Leo some money! So he receives a message from Moe, telling him not to apologize, and its his fault then asks if Leo had fotoor yet!
Great, the money guy’s phone is closed, and no one is answering from his friends. Tomorrow comes and still closed phones and no answers! Fuck it, its time to leave. Around fotoor its that tuesday and yet no one asked if Leo was alive, no one called for fotoor, so his frustration kicks back in. “I don’t fucken need anyone!” now he arrives home and finds home a mess, his younger brother not giving a fuck and invites friends over for sleepover’s and some even showered under the outside garden hose! “WTF bro! cant you see ur mother and sister are locked in the house for no sane reason? Ur father didn’t die now did he?” no he didn’t, but it sure seemed like it. Leo’s house is located beside the hottest street in town, so all his little brother’s friends on dirt bikes running away from cops found cover in leo's house. ..
Here it self is a start of a new story, its enough I bothered you with this,, its just for those whom I’ve been an ass with, i hope they would understand I cant function well under stress! So don’t vote me as a doctor!
yeah i also forgot to mention the guys from the group i lead didnt show up untill i told them i would hand in a blank proposal, not blank, i would write down in LARGE red the word "blank" smacked right in the middle... it happened the same weekend i lost my glasses on!
Right, and add to that, i had no time to talk with sara, and what bugged me the most was that even i couldn’t talk with her, she didnt call me either, or atleast signal me to call.. so there you have it,, that and a little more has been spicing up my life lately…