I despise women like you..
Since almost everyone I know is talking about what they hate, well, let me talk bout one thing I loathe. I can’t stand a woman thinking she can stand on her own, and I don’t mean they need me in their lives, but you cant despise men just for the fun of it. Well yes you can live on your own, but for gods sake, you cant live without a man anywhere in your life. Yes you were conceived by a man, will get married to one, and if we are so unlucky, you will be a mother of one also.
For now tell me why do you think what you think if your father is a fucked up drunk and shoves marshmallows up your mothers crouch. And if you were molested by your grandfather, do you think all men did the same to their children. Your friends’ father insisted to marring her to a 70+ yrld man, do you consider us all being filled with greed. Your brother made you pose nude in a photo shoot, do you think we really are all that sick. Honestly, if the men in your life were sick in the brain, PUHlease, don’t stereo type us all as one like those in your messed up family, and for gods sake, bad info spreads like a disease, or flame in a parched forest, so if people talk to you little rebel, its not cos you are smart and stylish and Waaaay cooler then the nerdy girls. No! Not at all. It’s just because you’re a small brained, fucked up mutineer. Simply that’s why!
The truth is we men in Arabia are emotional, well yes; your boyfriend was an ass because you allowed him to. But the rest of us really are normal loving people. I for one believed for very long that girls were angels till I was about 20 of age. It’s when I got my ultimate shock, women are such bad liars, and needy in a way they’d kill for what they don’t have and also are excessive abusers for those whom love them. Well I’m talking from a one time mistake, and yet again I am stereo typing. But do you see me holding red flags, throwing flyers of hatred, rumbling of how bitchs you people are or do I start burning houses down, and rape women on the streets?? No, I’m just more careful with whom I trust.
I lived all my life with my family under one roof where my mother was a saint and forgiving not only to my fathers mistakes, but even supportive when the family had its downfall. Honestly, not my father nor could we have survived without the love and supremacy my mother gave to this family. And yet, she has wrong judgments about most things, or puts me down sometimes when I’m thrilled to show her something. But I don’t rail against women cos I simply don’t like my mother. See I not like you haven’t lost hope yet in humanity… was that too hard for your little brain to understand, let me break it down for your sophisticated rebelling ass. I have not lost hope on all members of the other sex just yet; I just despise ones like you! Clear enough?
So in base, if any of you girls are feminists, for the love of civilization, please become lesbians and stop nagging on what dicks men are! We will worship you if you have self-respect left in you; even a drop of it will do fine. But other than that, don’t expect us to change your minds about us. You’re more of a lost cause. And I really hope you get extinct real soon Cos in a few years we’ll be shouting for men’s rights if you feminists keep this going on any further, but hey, its not existence threatening, we got the real dicks that work!
PS: I am not telling to shut up and shove your shit down your mouth, I’m just telling you if you have no morals, then I totally agree with every little thing you don’t consider to be wrong!

man, you are such a retard...
enlightened male
one thing i can't stand without is u leo
i know i need one man in my life and that is HUMMMMMMM u leo
its u ALL u :P
looooooooooooooooooooooooooool :D
LOL I dunno why you're freaking out =p,, ok,, your opinion,, but you can't blame a girl that her borther made her post nude for a photo [for example] or was raped. Don't give such examples because if that happens to a girl it'd make her not only devastated, she might go insane and depressive for the rest of her life. It's not like a borken heart,, it's a broken trust and that's a major thing more than a break up when you became 20. I don't hate guys but I never felt that there's a guy who'd treat me good. Yes, I stereotype guys because they can be suck dicks in a relationship!
By the way, the picture you put is just so stupid! ~ Sorry for the attack! I guess I'm overprotective when it comes to girlies getting hurt. Men are stronger.
kick ass male
well please do enlighten me with your light bulb, or knw what, jus stay in your anonymously enlightened butt crack!
i did want to say "anonymously enlightened shadows" but the butt crack was hilarious in your situation.. hope you’ll one day work ur brain and understand :(
My god, how did I ever live without you in my life, call me when ur 21, I’m defiantly falling for you! ;)
Double S
Ummm, I hope it wasn’t about the post, or its ur ass I’mona open a can of whoop ass on!!!
well yes I do believe inno girls are weaker when it comes to broken bonds of trust,and honestly u need a stronger man to mend it back in place, but don’t shout out that all men as ass whips jus cos u your self were abused! And also bout your screwed up relations, I was not any part of them so don’t hold a grudge against me u knw!
In my post I ask you to eather talk about your situation or just accept it, but for the love of god, don’t shout out that Saudi men are all dicks!!
In base, I try to avoid such issues, cos we never find common grounds here. but it did seem like everyone was talking about what they hate the most, and well, I hate girls that hate men.. too many hates wj3!!
And the picture, well I cant post without one so this was, and believe me when I tell you, was the best I could find in four hours of search!
Ps: if ure moe, i wont kill ya, ur family!
''The truth is we men in Arabia are emotional''.. Believe me Leo walla el3a`9eem i wish i can believe it but NOTHING around me proves it! even the sweetest man in KSA (who happens to be my brother) i can`t describe as emotional!! and about the things you wrote, well you have a point but its some men`s deed not women. Females can`t live without males and vice virsa..
And by the way, i hated myself when typing ''we men'' :S have some trust we`re not gonna copy from you!<- or at least i wont..
Crap and i thought because i'm famous people will copy my exact words!
well atleast all the people i know are warmhearted, but not gay, nor ugly looking! In fact Insanity's cousin is the most handsome guy i've ever met, and also no one is as kind as he is, he's almost a prophet!
dunno something must've gone wrong as kids! why are we programmed like that!
If you would only use that rotting piece of crap between your ears (i.e. your brain), you would realize that feminism did not originate out of hatred for men or for any of the reasons that you mention.
The feminist movement arose because of a real disparity between the basic rights (social, political, human...etc.) of men on the one hand and women on the other.
If feminists criticize men it is because we men abuse our privilaged position in society at the expense of women; but more fundamentally, we men should not be privilaged in the first place. All people ought to be treated as equals.
As for the idea that women need men or that they're weaker or less smart or evil or any of that garbage, I think you really need to get out more, stupid boy. Actually, in your special case, it's quite easy to find women who aren't just stronger, faster, and smarter, but who will kick your ass at every single thing you might consider. But no matter, if you think women are stupid, back stabbing, bitches...tell me...is your mother a back stabbing stupid bitch? No? I rest my case...
So in the end, I suggest that you think and gather enough information before talking because otherwise you end up spewing out all this garbage.
You may now insert your head back into your ass where it belongs...
SAUDI enlightened male
Well anonymous, I’m really surprised you found your way back here, even more surprising is that your fingers actually came out of their hiding black shadows of ur ass.
For one, I respect criticism, but for the love of humanity know what people are talking about before you barge in like a complete idiot! if I were what you seem to think I am, well I wouldn’t be accepting any female friends in this little circle we call life, online or out in real life. I do not live or dedicate my life to suppressing women from their basic rights. I do encourage them to live as norms here or anywhere else in the world. But my brain taking a break from my ass tried really hard making it as clear as possible that I ONLY speak of women that hate men, now that too is a part of feminism little boy. I don’t know how smelly your crack is, but I’m sure its stalling your brain from understanding my point to where I stand.
As for women being weaker and dumber, not at all, I find them smarter then most men, intellectual, and even more emotional, or god wouldn’t let them conceive babies. –they still do that don’t they? Too much time being an antifeminist I haven’t been on the streets where you seem to live for so long now!
Did I state that all women should be locked up in cells at night? Have I stated facts that they are created for sex enjoyment only? Did I even mention that we should start killing them for I can’t find a good sane reason for their lives anymore? I believe this gives me the privileged right of being fair and not bias to how you stand!
And now little kid, if you really don’t seem to understand any of my points, please go bother someone else.
Yeah PS: if being a privileged male is too hard for you to handle, you can always get your dick chopped off, and get some boob brains implanted, or have you done that already?
-Leo from the antigay movement
I can not live with out a man.. lol well, I can, but I want to love and marry and be nice to my husband and treat him really good and care for him....etc.
3eedk mubarak Leo :P
buuuuuuuuuuuuuurned anony !!!! BUUUUUUUUURNED !! =D
at least be supportive!
thanx for the love girl.
Ba3deen t3alee, what's with your blog? You don’t speak rudely of any political or social issue, you basically talk about your days, so if I didn’t know any better, I think it’s a kid who has a crush on you.. jealousy works in weird ways, so as admiration sometimes!
-lucky u! ;)
I bow and thank you!
now just for the record, if any of you psycho booger boys come back, Sara, Nouf, and Fatma are girls that have jobs, and I adore each and every one in a very respectful manner.. well except for sara, she goes beyond, we got a thing going on! ;)
Now if you don’t have anything smart to say, run back to mummy!
PS: booger as in running noses!
Leo, i CANT live without u!
" think it’s a kid who has a crush on you"
Lucky moi :$ heh I wish, the lucky one on this blog is Sara ;)
My blogs back btw, I was just outta town when it happened =(
And I just read fatmahs comment, I agree with her, you really can't blame a girl who has been traumatized.. =(
am not the lucky one on this blog!am the luckiest on this UNIVERSRE!
Sarona, thats cute, really cute :P
:P keep ur hair on ... mara m3a9ib shaklik ... m3lsh m3lsh!
well it was just a point of view!
thanx yall
If Men do not like the giant out of hand toilet bowl they have created- THEY SHOULD CLEAN IT!
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