twisted brain power

What is it exactly this feeling you have when those you once thought were there to hold you back up when you’ve fallen,, just don’t do the job so well?
Yes, it’s referred to as a job; it’s not a respectful sacred relation anymore. I’m not talking about friends and enemies, allies and rebels. I’m speaking of family relationships. Doesn’t it just rip your heart out when you look back to your childhood and find it empty from any family love? No matter how hard you tried, you just cant even remember a compassionate face that held you close to their chest when you felt like the whole world reviled you.
If you do have a weak heart, please stop right here. I don’t feel like listening to another dissatisfied parent’s complaint.
How could a child grow up to be a normal person when he was abused in the most unbelievable painful ways by the ones his parents taught him to love? Those uncles whom were supposed to protect their little nephew from strangers, became strangers them selves. They abused that little bastard in every possible way even in a pedophilic manner, more disgustfully. How would he tell his parents, fuck that. Whom did he have to turn to? If those whom his parents told him to trust, damaged and ripped away every image of happiness! But how has he survived?
He walked and sat like every human would do, but he was dead and hollow from the inside, his childhood was stolen from him. Everything around him was creepy and horrible, in his eyes nothing was worth living for no more. Until a few years had passed without him remembering or even seeing his uncles, He learned to forget but never forgive. His heart was hard as steel and cold as frost. Not many friends wanted to be around him, they thought he was a freak. He always stood silent and watched how a normal human being would function. Overflowing from the inside with horrific anger and flaming rage, he just could ignite on his parents. To his point of view, they were responsible for his abusing. Shouting and screaming were his best friends at home, and silence and eye balling people were his companions at school. He wasn’t retarded like you thought; he wasn’t a pervert like your friend had told you. He just needed someone to sympathize with this agony fait threw at him, and listen.
Can you imagine life with a family that hates you for not who you are but whom your parents are. Or uncles that envy your fathers success and just hate you-as their nephew- for being so fortunate? Now picture this, when you were six you had an aunt that read you bedtime stories, and when you got ten of age she had no problem letting you know how much she's disgusted of you for what she believes that her brother had made dreadful mistake. He sent her a three thousand riyal watch on eid, and her ten-year older sister got one for five hundred riyals more! Just let me know how could the child be responsible, have you no heart? Or a brains for that matter. Not to forget those bastards that fill you with abhorrence against your brothers when you were kids. Just to get back at their older brother. And then when you grow up to be a successful person in life they just love to put you down at every step of the way, and start to tell stories around of what an animal you are, and how you never call! When you actually do invite them when ever you got back home.
As someone said, I’m plotting for world domination! So who the fuck is with me?