Friends anyone?!

I've been hanging Saki on the line quit a bit on this!
saki-This-U-1st-comment__OK? -male talk
Its been said that your friends define who you are!
–or hasn’t it?
I did write bout who my friends were, it was just way too dull and too damn long, plus it wouldnt interest any of you!
I'll just say this,
Yasser!!!; Ur a great friend, except for the spitting part after you hang up the phone with someone from the bank! It sometimes makes me wonder.. do you spit after I hang up too? I got nightmares cause of that!!
Okay basically this dude is nice and all when on the phone , and as soon as he hangs up!! He gives out a horrific spit as if he'd actually want to kill the dude!!!! He's a kick ass dude! ;)
MAK; another dude I know since high school, mashallah brilliant mind, and the sweetest guy on the planet.. Graduated last semester and works in Jeddah with a supper salary, so girls, any brides-2-B?!
KHS aka. Carlitto; an amazing guitarist, known him since seventh grade. drives a classic Porsche and has an amazing since of humor. When he doesn’t get enough sleep, he somehow transforms into a seven year old child!! Adorable baby!
PSU, anyone met him yet?
Silly-G; Sudanese guy, rap artist, trembles for a cause. Currently doing his 6th year in med school, haven’t seen him for two years now. We MSNGR though. Friends since ninth grade.We used to party at high school. We Dj-ed afew times. We once started a mix-tape shop on a party, was completely disastrous! dude, he rocks!
out of university speaking, basically those are my closest friends at the moment, and I keep telling my self to keep in touch with older friends but I'm such a lazy ass!
l8r yall ;)
Yasser!!!; Ur a great friend, except for the spitting part after you hang up the phone with someone from the bank! It sometimes makes me wonder.. do you spit after I hang up too? I got nightmares cause of that!!
Okay basically this dude is nice and all when on the phone , and as soon as he hangs up!! He gives out a horrific spit as if he'd actually want to kill the dude!!!! He's a kick ass dude! ;)
MAK; another dude I know since high school, mashallah brilliant mind, and the sweetest guy on the planet.. Graduated last semester and works in Jeddah with a supper salary, so girls, any brides-2-B?!
KHS aka. Carlitto; an amazing guitarist, known him since seventh grade. drives a classic Porsche and has an amazing since of humor. When he doesn’t get enough sleep, he somehow transforms into a seven year old child!! Adorable baby!
PSU, anyone met him yet?
Silly-G; Sudanese guy, rap artist, trembles for a cause. Currently doing his 6th year in med school, haven’t seen him for two years now. We MSNGR though. Friends since ninth grade.We used to party at high school. We Dj-ed afew times. We once started a mix-tape shop on a party, was completely disastrous! dude, he rocks!
out of university speaking, basically those are my closest friends at the moment, and I keep telling my self to keep in touch with older friends but I'm such a lazy ass!
l8r yall ;)
haven’t seen him for two years now. We MSNGR though
lol, I do that with my best friend Sam!! lol, we don't msngr that much, but we phone like crazy!!
Oh glad you have friends =p .. nice post! Allah e5alikom lba3'9 dudes =)
the poor thing!! i betcha has a brain tumor from all that calling!
you'd better not!
the count keeps going down, for some unknown reason!
the poor thing!! i betcha has a brain tumor from all that calling!
you'd better not!
the count keeps going down, for some unknown reason!
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