I've Been TAGGED! Urrrrgh!!!!

Okay you win!! You just wont take no for an answer will you She6anah. Plus Taurus Chic also thought it would be fun, what tha heck i'll just friggin do it!
The rules of the game are:
The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
Need to mention the sex of the target.
Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.
Sex Target: a true woman (A FEMALE YOU PERVS!)
1) a woman that would fill our home with passion.
2) a wife that would give my parents her first priority.
3) a mother that would spoil her children crazy, yet discipline them like angels.
4) a person which can make me learn to smile again when the whole world crumbles around me.
5) a lady that would encourage me and trusts what I do for us.
6) a lover that teaches me how to calm down when I'm in a state of rage.
7) a friend I can always speak to her my true thoughts.
8) an insanely jealous lover.
Next 8 Victims:
& you
There, ya happy now! bloody tags!
damn it!! the page is starting to look like a damn english teacher's blog!!!
No offence!
leomastic.. this is romantic..
although its weird you know..
you`re Saudi, man!
well i'm being truthful,
saudi should have more like me!! LMAO! -i'm so inlove with my self!P
welcome AL. please keep coming and feel free to comment on any post you find!! -i'd love that very much
Now, was that very hard? :pPp
Thanks for taking the tag ^^, I wanted to know what your perfect love looks like *not letterally* :D
And by the way, the first comment: yeah true!! No offence!! LOL
its was very brain cell distructive!
So, how did she look like?! do i need a prescription for lovers?
thank you leo.. o allah ykather min amthalik :p:p
LMAO..nice next 8 victims..smart...i cud have never thought of that!
dont make me blush now!! :$
thank you!
just wanted to knw how much i've been missed!
btw ur audio file dsnt wrk, it redirects me to a site to dwnld a plyr or smtn!! :| sry
i sometimes amaze me self! :P
thnx fr comin yall! ;)
Fo0f was here, no comment :P
elaaaa, why you got other bolgs =S
so kind
u want her
as a mother , freind , lady , wife, lover and woman
enshalla u will find her
gol amen
Yaaay!! ur alive!! man, we almost lost you there! lmao
didnt i answer you that min gabel?!!
many blogs to lazy readers, are like PifPaf To roaches! ;)
and thats how i scare off lazy-azz readers away!
N' Plus, they were failing projects! :D
Ps; link me on ur blog, that way it'll be easier!
بللللللللل, والله ووصل صيتك للكويت يا ليوماستك! إيه يبى عيل شنو!!
أأأمين,الله يسمع منج لوير!! أقول... شرايج إذا محد منا لقى حبيبة المعجزة..آنا وإنتي نتزوج؟والله انا حنون وقلبي طيب.. ها شقلتاي؟
هههههههههههههه شكرا
بس على فكره رحت شفت البروفايل ماكنت ادري انك مو كويتي
خلاص انا موافقه الوعد عن محطه الباص
لا اتأخر لما يصير عمرني 30 سنه اروح انطر ههههههههههههه
lol@lawyer :P
me, not a rouch! watch ur mouth -she obviously didn't get you - anyhoo mr.projects :P I think I did link you a long time ago, and i dont need to do that to find ur blog if thats what you mean :S
laters, new post now ;)
oh yeah, and maybe i did ask before, lol, and its Fo0f.. CAPITAL "F", a small "o", a zero"0" and a small "f"
Well, answering your Q:
She seems to have a BiG heart.
a mother that would spoil her children crazy, yet discipline them like angels.
A genuine good and kind heart, and a smart person as well. No mother can do that if she didn't have that.
And I noticed, if her first priority is you and your parents, I don't think she's persuading a career =p is that right?
I hope the day when we hear that you're engaged comes very soon ^^,
خلاص عيل....كلها خمس دقايق وانا عند المحطة
you're here arnt u? no worries, NO roaches nor insects could have made it this far!
PS; dont give me rules to follow, i might just start to mellow
lady, musha3witha
mo 3eeb, this post was because of you, and ur number 16 to comment??
man, the things i do for women! sheesh!
well she does have a big heart, if she could stand me enough to have children with me! if you ever run into her, please tell her about me!P~
why cant she have a carrier. you dedicate your self to Allah and still live normally! she's supposed to be caring not a slave! ;)
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