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Sunday, January 29, 2006

How much of a muslim are you?

This petition has been goin on for about a week now, my signature was no.36474. People if we unite, we are simply a mashing fist of iron..


yes I know that this act might not do anything to correct the situation, but if they would atleast see the numbers growing they might actually feel worried about dissing us.

People wake up, they dont mock just a regular human being!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

What is love, Truely?

A few blogs I've been reading have the love tag going on. I dont do tags anymore, but i wanted to share what I think I know of love with you.

So what is true love? I ask that question time and time again. Could it be real? Sometimes I think it's hard to tell. I believe that the meaning of true love isn't clear to anyone. It's a question that can never be answered, but keeps a person thinking about it.

What does it mean to love someone? An emotional attraction can be just as strong as a physical attraction, so who's to say when love is in your corner. I hate when people say, "You're too young to be in love" It's not true. Love can appear at any age to anyone. However, the question that boggles my mind is: Does true love really exist, or is it just a figment of one's imagination? Is it possible to make yourself believe you're in love, even when deep in your heart you're confused? People can say I love you, but what does it really mean. Is it being said because the love is real, or do people say it because they feel they should?

This is not a perfect world. With love, hate always follows. What does love consist of? Is it the butterflies in your stomach or the fast beat in your heart? Do you want love so bad you can taste it, so you make up a dream in your mind? I always thought that I could speak from experience. I could say, "yes, I am in love" My dream faded too fast. Even though I'm only 22, I still felt that this special person in my life could be the one I referred to as my "first love". I was hurt and because of it, I now doubt love.

Was I really in love or was I just some, hopeless romantic convincing myself that love was there? I'll never know. The questions I ask will never be answered. Is there really that magical feeling that everyone talks about? And when the relationship comes to an end, is love what makes you unwilling to stay, but unwilling to leave? The ultimate question, if what everyone says about love is true, then why does love have to hurt so much?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Movie Reviews

Yeah I know we got finals, and I should be studying but I just cant help it.. those last two days two stunning directors gave my heart the chill, enjoy..

"Memoirs of a Geisha"

Can a group of American men and Chinese actresses render the remote and mysterious world of a geisha? The answer is yes, with stunning beauty …and regrettable flaws.

Truth be told, this movie was not as bad as its trailer led me to expect. It had a story to tell (although it crumbles in the end), images to show, and material to present. There were ample displays of exquisite beauty—the trailing tails of silk kimonos, the subtle allure of hand gestures, and the captivating kabuki theater dance scene...

On the other hand, the American director was not able to pull the Japanese out of Chinese actresses. (This movie was so crowded by famous Chinese idols that I found myself inadvertently searching for Joan Chen among the cast.) To be fair, all three main actors (Gong Li in particular) show strong performances that made me sympathetic to Rob Marshall's choices. However, they remain utterly Chinese throughout this movie. The look and accent are not the only problems. They lacked the kind of extreme femininity, excessive felicity, and delicately mechanical gesture, posture, and movements of traditional Japanese ladies you can see in custom dramas of Japanese production. (Michelle Yeoh seems to be the only one trying a little bit of those, but it did not quite work for some reason.)

So, let me re-address the question: Can a group of American men and Chinese actresses render the world of a geisha? The answer, I guess, really depends on what you are looking for. If you would like a little bit of delight from an aesthetically pleasing picture with a vague standard for authenticity and realism, this movie delivers it. I would not say Rob Marshall failed completely. Memoirs of a Geisha is not the first, nor the last, movie that subjects another culture to the crude lens of American exoticism. It definitely is not the worst one.

This other movie called "smile" assures you that every once in awhile a film comes along that just reminds you what life is really all about this film did it for me. The difference in this film is it stirred you to want to care, to want to make a small difference any way that you possibly can in life. This film is that hope factor that keeps one going no matter how many times you have been beaten up by the world and it's cynical ways. The love and hope in this film reminds you to keep trying, searching, reaching to help make a difference no matter what, no matter how small a way. Thank God for people who make films such as this!!

So if you do have time, checkem out.... Oh and by the way I know it seems like I got allot of free time to spare but for the love of god, someone tell me GO STUDY!! So again ,, wish me luck ;)

Sunday, January 01, 2006

And so the year begins....

I wish all of you and your families a wonderful year
filled with happiness, prosperity, good health and life.
May all your dreams come thru,
and all your sorrows fade away.

Some people feel joy when it's around, and others just feel the depression. some people dont have a problem if what they did was acceptable even though it wasnt according to plan, and others just feel the whole world crumble around them when something is out of place from this plan they made for them selves. I'm from the second group I believe, the miserable ones. Its not that I'm a grouch or anything, I just feel something is missing even if it were a spec. Sometimes I don't even know why this depression comes to haunt. Sadly I began this year with a grouch, here's how the story goes!

We've been planning this for a week's time now, and its Saturday already. A friend calls and checks what plans I got for today and stupidly I reply "none!" so asks if I wanted to join him and a group of people to Bahrain, we agreed on a time and everything else for the matter. So its five o'clock and a guy is missing. he has some sort of class meeting with an astronomy class tonight. We waited till we got fed up. Its almost seven, we're on our way to the connecting bridge, he calls and finally decides to tag along. Again we wait…

Now we're done from customs and all those legal things, all of a sudden and out of the dark, a speed camera on the bridge clips our wings! That won't ruin our day said the driver, we jump to a mall and want to dine. But before that we checked out what movies the cinema has to offer, well, it was my childhood favorite, KING KONG! I jumped off the ground, "yes yes we'll take it!!" seven thirty starts the show, we barely had time to feast. We pay the Dairy Queen a visit and gobble up our food. Shit, its 7:45, the show started already. Rushing through people trying to find our way, pretty women stair, kids with bashing looks, it was a miracle, we finally were there. Popcorn sweet, slated and all other kinds of snacks we friends of movies theaters. 10 minutes later, SHBANG! and then a Crushhh…! a guy drops his family-sized popcorn to the floor. Even people we didn’t know laughed at the sound of that! The movie continues….

Just as I thought this movie is too long, a five minutes break is displayed on the screen. People go for smoke others for popcorn and some to pee. The movie continues… now here's all the action this movie is giving. Tick tock tick tock, the clock is almost eleven. Man C'mon, we barely have time to leave and go, kill that ape and get it over with. As much as I loved this movie the more I wanted to leave the show. The movie finished, my friends and I gave a long and deep sigh, now forty minutes left till the year turns….

We rode our car, stepped on the peddle and burnt some rubber. The crowd was a roar. Finding our way through this small city of Bahrain, every road was blocked. Now what do we do?! Fighting to find our way, struggling between the cars, and giving every one this extreme impression about Saudis, we meant them no harm, we were just trying to find our way thru. Jammed in the rush halt in this traffic was when the time turned a year! Peeps and horns were all over the road, I just couldn’t really figure out the message encoded, was it happy New Year or did they try to imply a word closer to "FUCK!!" couldn’t tell really…

Now its 40 past the year and we still couldn’t find a place to chill. A guy wanted to get drunk the other wanted to fuck and some just wanted a dance but I just wanted to end this trance. Finally we're at a club, Wrangler was its name, free booze and dance all night was its game. Wait did I mention it was 20BD a head? Dark and lighted with black everything white just sat to glow. I lost my self in a corner watching people making idiots out of them selves, and just wished this night would end, for a second I wished my life to go away. They forgot I was alive and that was just my plan exactly. I just sat to reminiscence upon my life and what had I done all year, nothing would cheer my up from those thoughts I begun, man they were ugly, bad and just so damn sad. Three hours and fifteen minutes as this year begun, It was time to leave I told every one. But just as a spoiled kid would do, they all danced like buffoons and implored for a few more drinks before they'd go. Went out to smoke, and this music was so loud I'm surprised I didn’t stroke! Twenty minutes have passed when will you twitches understand you have classes tomorrow not like the others with a three day break, the so called new years holyday! I asked a bouncer to do the honors of bringing them back to life, and so he did. Back in the car was everyone drunk till his ears started to pour. I drove the whole way back home sadly I say. Those jerks wouldn’t stop the ass acting, Now food was between their eyes and every spec of them wanted to stuff his face before his thigh. MacDonald's was their wish come true, I stopped and picked everyone's puke off the car an hour later. Now sound asleep they were, we passed the customs and each got a smack on his face for just being a wee bit like an animal! I got nothing of that and was as happy as an angel, finally the day is coming my way. Off to bed with them and there you have it. One hell of a night to start the year with.
Thank you but please do not feel sorry for I do deserve what was coming to me!