“life passes most people by when they are busy making grand plans for it. throughout my lifetime i've left pieces of my heart here and there. and now, there is almost barely enough to stay alive. but i force a smile, knowing that my ambition far exceeded my talent. There are no more white horses or pretty ladies at my door." -g. jung
Its such a fascinating gift, why do we waist it to rebel on one another? Life is fair its us that chose to see it unjust. She, life, is filled with good and bad people, who knows who are we? Its not us who define if we are good or bad, its how the people perceive us. If they think we are good, well excellent, and we should be proud of being thought of that way. But if people see us being bad in a way or everything else, well we have a choice now, we could try to work hard on improving our selves, or we just ignoring that one or two thoughts on us and stick with the tens and thousands of people who believe in us being good.
Ultimately we all are good from the inside and we know we are, but here is the thing I truly believe in.. you never need to explain your self, because your friends don’t need explanations and your enemies wont believe you anyways, so why bother?
To finish up this post, life does go on, but it ends eventually. So why fight this and hurt that and hate some and dislike others.. we all are just visitors on this earth we walk on, and as we leave let us be remembered with a smile drown on the faces of those who believed in our true goodness and saw the inner qualities. And as for those who didn’t take the chance to know us better, let them draw a frown on their faces bite their lips and fingers for not taking the time to know us for who we really are. Eventually everyone will feel the empty space we leave behind. Be a good guest in this life, behave your self, be polite and urged to visit again..
Mona this my post to you, so there you go..