Mi casa es su casa
Okay so now that I found this webcam I lost six years ago, I made good use of it. And allot been bugging me since I moved to this room and painted "my way".
So this post is dedication to Mona, Noufa, Sara, Shahd, and yasser. Well technically he didn’t bug me all that much, nor did he ask anything that fag! bas he better like it saki-outa-san!
Dont freak out if i got two beds, it suniversity regulations..

Six fingers, well i had space i needed to fill out.. :S

if you look into the blue pin-board, you can find little pieces of paper brought together to make this painting i showed you earlier, so there you have it folks, i'm a fake!

(problem is inno I wanted a close up but the webCam is hooked on the PC tower so I cant have that distance.. Mona, I won a Digi cam on ur blog, so where the hell is it? – plus shahd you promised ya mota5alifa!!)

OKay fine its not jap, but its feels like it when you sit!!
Gulf weekly is there! -jus to sound Sophisticated P~

(I can see the aramco hospital from here, the LandCruiser is inside aramco and the sedan is inside university grounds)

Well that’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed the tour of my mansion. and hey, tune in next week. We have a tour scheduled around my naked body.. ADULTS ONLY!! –lol kiddin so don’t get ur hopes up!
Keep it safe!
So this post is dedication to Mona, Noufa, Sara, Shahd, and yasser. Well technically he didn’t bug me all that much, nor did he ask anything that fag! bas he better like it saki-outa-san!
Dont freak out if i got two beds, it suniversity regulations..
So here is my work place.. stacked all the books I was supposed to study
on the shelves, and on the desk is my art corner..

My latest creation inspired and dedicated to Shahd aka. "Double Ss"

Close up

Six fingers, well i had space i needed to fill out.. :S
The process

The result

Okay so now enough bragging about myself check out my room
The entrance from
the inside (DUH)

The carpet

The other bed I don’t use, AKA "the Guest corner!" now as the art part of the

if you look into the blue pin-board, you can find little pieces of paper brought together to make this painting i showed you earlier, so there you have it folks, i'm a fake!

My kitchen (part of the art part)

(problem is inno I wanted a close up but the webCam is hooked on the PC tower so I cant have that distance.. Mona, I won a Digi cam on ur blog, so where the hell is it? – plus shahd you promised ya mota5alifa!!)
My Blue post it

My Japanese table (where I study, eat, and unpack my bags)

OKay fine its not jap, but its feels like it when you sit!!
Gulf weekly is there! -jus to sound Sophisticated P~
Where I sleep and dream about you (notice the wall colors fairouza and
bamboo green)

My secrets

My window

(I can see the aramco hospital from here, the LandCruiser is inside aramco and the sedan is inside university grounds)
The coffee mug I could jus throw the other side to sarOona

Well that’s all for now, I hope you enjoyed the tour of my mansion. and hey, tune in next week. We have a tour scheduled around my naked body.. ADULTS ONLY!! –lol kiddin so don’t get ur hopes up!
Keep it safe!
ma 6l3at kol il pics :( !
love the color of the walls thou ...
y ai know ma 6ala3at kil el pics baaaaaaaaaaas mara i loved it and the colors i loved and i loved PAINTING and i loved the jap tabel and i loved the bed sheets ( from here looks like they have some kind of cartoon thing on them ) extremlly sexy i had aladdin sheets up til thany mtwa9e6 and i loved the hanger and i loved the food corner and i loved it all looks VERY COMFY aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i loved it :D
awal shay, leeh my name belbedaya is not linked to my blog? mmm, if u meant sara ana mo sara ur childhood friend :s
luved the colors, although kunt a7s the green '3air shway...
hehe, 3araft ur t-shirt elly a5r marra shuftak feeh :D
the coffee mug is so ME men jed! lol
growi :|
Nice =),, when I saw your creation I was like: Ha? A butterfly? =s I forgot all about your gentle soul *devilish laugh*...
Yalla,, sexy fingers =p I enjoyed the tour and am excited to seeing the next one ;)
well, everyone seems to see them fine.. try refreshing the page. And thanx
Double Ss
the pics r fine. And the bedsheets don’t have a cartoon on them, they got abstracts. I’ll show a close up when I post the baby book.
Bas thanx for all the LoOoOOVe
well it wasn’t your name, so you have to share I guess. Cos I was talking bout those who wanted me to post only, mo all the others in the world.
The green? Like how, abit darker or abit lighter? So how’s this combo now, eye relaxing?
Ummm… was it the first time we met? Anyways my wardrobe isn’t all that hUge.
That coffee mug.. well I’ve had it for over a month now, never used and wanted to give you it..now for sale..5$
1. thank you!
2. Damn it they miss you too ..(K now we sound like the fags from scrubs)
3. DOES NOT worry ya basha…. I’ll find an idiot into abstracts to sell him.. care to buy?!!
4. not if I can help it!
sexy bagar
well I have to… its all for you.. all this I do… damn it I’m inlove with you 6i39sa!
Black Orchid
You think?
Damn it, ur such a mean pers…THING!
Sexy fingers!! Min jid ur blind.. wanna see a foot? :D
I can't see!!
I'll check it from home ='(
ya 7leeeeeeeeeeeelo ur room lol
it's perfect for breaking an enrty >:")
just provide the adress and keep ur windows open at night ..it's a lovely breeze out there ..
oh, and don't sleep in the nude for a few dayz ..(so u wo't catch a cold)
P.s i love the mug, it's first thing u'll probably miss
is your house like two days away? u know roads rnt safe anymore! hope you get there u knw! :S
btw, i'm on the second floor, so thunder cats needs a catwoman to climb in..
and i cant help sleeping in cloths, it more relaxing walking nude around my room, ur welcome to try it.. in my room!
PS: The coffee mug's last bid was 25$
People whats wrong with you, it was sara's!!! imagine this, she was gonna touch it with her hands and lips, even better, her coffee was supposed to fall in and warm it!
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