Beauty killed the beast
Though I own this world and move it with the tip of my right hand’s pointer, I still feel empty and hallow inside. All those lonely nights still haven’t touched my heart with that blessing inspiration. Nights tend to seem like they fail to end when you’re alone, don’t they? I sometimes gaze into that unbounded sky and wish upon a star.
“oh star up high in that clear infinite heaven above, bless me… bless my heart and let me feel again”
For the first night in a thousand nights, she winked back at me and spoke. I got a hint for its little twinkle and rested to sleep with a heart filled with warmth on that cold night.
“oh star up high in that clear infinite heaven above, bless me… bless my heart and let me feel again”

I had a smile plastered on my face that night. The cool breeze was touching my skin and assuring me that it was that last of my forlorn nights. I hugged my coverlet even tighter and reminisced on my mothers love on nights like this. Nights I never could have enough of.
Now before you go on reading this little brain dance of mine you should know…you should know that it will crush your heart with a shiver and make you feel that little thing you lost some while ago. Tonight as you read, I’ll help you find something the whole world is looking for. And if you reach the end without that jewel shining on your thrown, I promise that this post will be that last that wastes your time.
-hold me to it.
It’s a story about a prince, or a king perhaps. A king that sits on his rightful thrown. He wasn’t cruel nor was he mean, actually a record of him abusing his rank was never found, in short, he was an “Arthur”.

Everything I could wish for was just right there. It was like nothing was misplaced nor would be for a very long time yet to come. Though I am worth the whole universe with thoughts, but still my pockets seemed always to have dust in them; yet I never complained. I walked those endless streets late at night when nothing could calm my sickness but a cool breeze and a whisper of the ocean hauling me a message from a mother… a mother I’ve lost a lifetime ago. I sit and speak to my brain for so very long endless conversations. It seemed at a point of my life I had none but it to befriend; but yet complaining wasn’t my thing to show; it was just in my head; she understood me better then anyone had ever attempted to. I call her you…
However on that one particular night the moon didn’t show as it promised last month.
It was late at night and sleep failed to find its way to me. I sat behind a road that peeked on the ocean. And as I understood every tide that broke into shore,
Now before you go on reading this little brain dance of mine you should know…you should know that it will crush your heart with a shiver and make you feel that little thing you lost some while ago. Tonight as you read, I’ll help you find something the whole world is looking for. And if you reach the end without that jewel shining on your thrown, I promise that this post will be that last that wastes your time.
-hold me to it.
It’s a story about a prince, or a king perhaps. A king that sits on his rightful thrown. He wasn’t cruel nor was he mean, actually a record of him abusing his rank was never found, in short, he was an “Arthur”.

Everything I could wish for was just right there. It was like nothing was misplaced nor would be for a very long time yet to come. Though I am worth the whole universe with thoughts, but still my pockets seemed always to have dust in them; yet I never complained. I walked those endless streets late at night when nothing could calm my sickness but a cool breeze and a whisper of the ocean hauling me a message from a mother… a mother I’ve lost a lifetime ago. I sit and speak to my brain for so very long endless conversations. It seemed at a point of my life I had none but it to befriend; but yet complaining wasn’t my thing to show; it was just in my head; she understood me better then anyone had ever attempted to. I call her you…
However on that one particular night the moon didn’t show as it promised last month.

It was late at night and sleep failed to find its way to me. I sat behind a road that peeked on the ocean. And as I understood every tide that broke into shore,
listening to calmness, touching peacefulness, I start to hear cars screaming their wheels behind me… silence for a second when everything seemed to loose its life. Its like everything needed an hour to fall into place, everything dawdled in my mind, even the waves slow motioned for a second as they clashed to my feet. My heart had trenched for a splitting second. Engines were shouting on the road behind me. A scream breaks the pause of life… A girl shouted out “my family, my family… please someone help” My mother who died a long time ago gasped and shouted me to run. She was the ocean that stood quiet for a second before it splashed its final wave to shore. Something wanted me to go there and sprint to find you laying down in the crowd. The crash was fatal; no one could’ve survived. I saw fear in everyone’s eyes, little boys and men. I never knew anything about medicine nor how to treat a trauma. I held no degree from mankind what so ever. But life being the caring person she is taught me all there was to know. I slowly began to move the body away from the wreck. I was covered with your blood but still… I didn’t clash into old memories of my fainting from that red liquid called life within you.
For the next two days I didn’t feel any deferent then last week. I was just curious how you’ve been. I didn’t want a reward nor a pat on the shoulder, all I wanted to find was you getting better. I walked gradually as I entered your room. I didn’t want to disturb you as you got better. I saw your family around a bed and a dimmed light over your head... oh little princess. I knew then what I missed the most. It wasn’t a family to hold back my pain, no not that. It was love what I needed. Finally, life gave me that answer I longed for so badly. I needed love, simple as that.
I rested that box of chocolate and flowers on the chair and came closer to your bed to find you so pail. Even your lips had no colors. Your eyes were resting shut and a small blue bruise on your arm made you look so adorable that night. I touched your hand and moved my fingers across your arm till I touched it. I started to pull back all the memories of the first night we met. You were covered with red and yet I felt the need to kiss you so bad.
Now a week has passed by and you are getting better by the day. All the hospital attendee thought I was your brother…well its true in a way… I felt a connection before I ever met you.
“you seem fine, you have color back in your cheeks”
you smiled back at me with eyes locked into mine. Now I feel speechless, I have a thousand things to ask but nothing seems to agree on being the first to come out. I knew all my thoughts were shy from you but still I felt the need to talk with you.
“have you tried this chocolate? Its called ‘after eight’”
you smile back “yes, but I just couldn’t bare the thought of chocolate with mint inside”
okay so now you confused me and I haven’t the faintest idea what to tell you.. so I figure its best to shut up for the moment.
The next few days I do pretty much the same. Speak to my life and hear the whispers of the ocean telling me. I walked by that place we first met a thousand times. I just sit and stair how amazing this place was. How life decided is here where we meet. Fascinating how life works sometimes isn’t it? I mean she sometimes doesn’t give you all the answers at once. She keeps you puzzled to figure out those answers on your own. And her sidekick time always works perfectly. Now I believe super hero’s don’t just exist in comic magazines. No! I touched them, I felt them help me. My mother and sister, I love you so much.
I’ll stop here to allow you to be fascinated by these words for now. And I wont cancel this one. I have it all done in my head, I just need you to appreciate this feeling I want you to start looking for.

I rested that box of chocolate and flowers on the chair and came closer to your bed to find you so pail. Even your lips had no colors. Your eyes were resting shut and a small blue bruise on your arm made you look so adorable that night. I touched your hand and moved my fingers across your arm till I touched it. I started to pull back all the memories of the first night we met. You were covered with red and yet I felt the need to kiss you so bad.
Now a week has passed by and you are getting better by the day. All the hospital attendee thought I was your brother…well its true in a way… I felt a connection before I ever met you.
“you seem fine, you have color back in your cheeks”
you smiled back at me with eyes locked into mine. Now I feel speechless, I have a thousand things to ask but nothing seems to agree on being the first to come out. I knew all my thoughts were shy from you but still I felt the need to talk with you.
“have you tried this chocolate? Its called ‘after eight’”
you smile back “yes, but I just couldn’t bare the thought of chocolate with mint inside”
okay so now you confused me and I haven’t the faintest idea what to tell you.. so I figure its best to shut up for the moment.
The next few days I do pretty much the same. Speak to my life and hear the whispers of the ocean telling me. I walked by that place we first met a thousand times. I just sit and stair how amazing this place was. How life decided is here where we meet. Fascinating how life works sometimes isn’t it? I mean she sometimes doesn’t give you all the answers at once. She keeps you puzzled to figure out those answers on your own. And her sidekick time always works perfectly. Now I believe super hero’s don’t just exist in comic magazines. No! I touched them, I felt them help me. My mother and sister, I love you so much.
I’ll stop here to allow you to be fascinated by these words for now. And I wont cancel this one. I have it all done in my head, I just need you to appreciate this feeling I want you to start looking for.
on a brighter note, you can enjoy old posts of mine on the same tempo as this...
here are the links
she understood me better then anyone had ever attempted to . i call her you
well written i think u should keep this one up and dont think of killing it like the other one
ONE DAY i will get you wasted
mark my words
Double Ss
okay now ur freaking me out. do you work for the NewYork Times or somthing? if you do i got a book i need a good review on!! -who knows, you might give me a jumpstart on life!!
yeah yeah, bland bland.. i'm doing my interniship in riyadh mid-feb inshaAllah...
so i'll hold you to that!
LOVED IT :), walla i did ... mara 7elo.
lissa mashefti shay, it getting allor more confusing towards the end.. stay tuned we'll be right back
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