a battle resides in me

Fillers of emptiness, avengers of love and all emotions that fuck me up… gather around me tonight..
Promises you never could keep, not to me nor yourself. haven’t I always told you to never give a promise even if you could keep? But you insisted on wrapping yourself with them. I never asked you to webcam me when you go to sleep, but you promised you would. I never asked you for words you didn’t mean, but you've always found a way to make me believe.
I've known since this year began.. that there was a flag of us growing apart. Remember when I refused to take that word off of you? I've known from the start it was too good to be true. Cos a person like you, never did exist on my plans of life.
I warned you I bit.. hard...
But you insisted on making me spit...blood
That night, that awful night I was in your room. Watching your every move. Listening to your every breath, and analyzing your every moan. On cam and phone. I was there with you that night. I heard everything you had to say, every fake orgasm you gave away.
He told you to look behind ur naked body.
that guy I wanted to kill saw me in the room behind you. He pointed from your monitor "behind you" to where I stood. You were frightened you were scared. A presence that could never be real. "Leo?! How are you here?" I never did come on my own, nor did i want anything to do more with you. the demons and devils surrounding you summoned me that night, they needed permission to bring you down.
I never stopped you from your evil plans, I always sat and watched you play your body, cheep and disgustingly to men who didn’t care. I had my legs crossed as I sat on a black leather chair. My hands were praying for this not be real. You closed your cam, put your clothes back on, and told me with a voice that spoke fright "none of that was real" its for you leo, I needed to understand how I feel.
"STOP AND DON’T LIE TO ME" I've always known something in you was so wrong. I am not here to punish nor make you feel worse, I just want to understand why was it me you chose. "But I love you leo." I banged my cane to the ground, an echo of freighting thunder came to sound.
A hundred demons were summoned by that one stroke to the floor. You feel their presence don’t you sade'? I uncover your eyes with what god has given you to protect your fears...but now, open up and see the demons waiting for my command. "Lord, let me sow fear into her heart. horror that would make her hair go into grey" another shouts " No lord, let me have the honor to shred her a thousand pieces apart... and fill each with blazes of fire fumed for all of eternity" SILENCE I SAY.
Look behind you sade'. Don’t be a afraid, this is the guardian of death, waiting for a snap of my fingers for him to command. "have mercy leo, I'm filled with imperfection, but don’t do me like this" -you don’t understand do you? I am not here to kill or fill you with horror, you are sick, and will be your cure. But what made you this way? Mondo? Fedo? Hadeel, or could it be 3jeel? You cant live life treating every man you meet like he were a nayef.
We aren’t all like that, we don’t cheat, we don’t break a girl for our own pride. "but the demons leo, why are they here?" they've all warned me about you from the start, I've been a fool blinded by you. And now it hurts to know you didn’t have the guts to come true. Here they are waiting to revenge me, they want to ease my pain. But no! I wont let them act on my rage, I've been there before, it only leaves me blank.. and little trails of hatred I cant never bare. One way or another I'll fix you. I promised I would. –if only u could remember
And like I promised I wont leave love for me in your heart again, I promise I will bring myself back to the start. But only this time, I'll remove the blinds off my eyes, for now I see you truthfully, naked with nothing to hide.. truth you couldn't even say to me… only me could cure
yeah in a way i get why you were pissed this last week. anyways move on dont fix anyone that doesnt want to fix himself! its just a lost cause if you ask me!
at last i got you to come, well.. it was a whole bunch of other stuff. and yes in a way i lost hope of people becoming better. somehow if ur after 14 and still are the same, ur chances do get smaller but i'll give it shot i guess.
and PLEASE comment on my next posts
after 14 and still are the same?
am i a bad person??
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