Be careful what you wish for... (1)

When everything is calm and still, and when darkness reaches to you from that far end of the room, it touches your body, and that once of a body that's yours stays still…, when exhaustion has its best of you, you know its time for her to come as well.
I await her arrival anxiously every night before my thoughts ship to dreams. she comes to me, She whispers gently into my ear and asks me for a wish to make, a fantasy to truth.
"Only this time," she told me, "I will grant your wish, so be careful what you wish for, my child." Tonight is yours to command as you desire. So be careful what you wish for.
As I could almost see her wrinkled lips speak those words I just heard, I try and make out her face in the darkness, she asks,"Is this truly what your eyes want to see?" I backed out and thought again before I made my one wish. Now my thoughts bring me to a more materialistic state, and thought of money, power, cars, houses and everything else one could desire in this world of ours. Again she cautioned me and reminded to think carefully before I spoke something I really didn’t want, and lose that dream I've always wanted to become real, but what was it that I've always wanted?! I can't remember...
why this time against all the others she finally grants me this one wish. Why now? She had a list filled with wishes I've made every night and none got the sight of truth. Every night she answered my calling, but never gave me what I truly wanted. And finally now, when she answeres my yearning, I haven’t the faintest idea what it was that I wanted most. I asked for time to grant me before I had decided my ultimate desire. She told me "the night is still young, but it wont last you for ever!" then gave out a devilish echoing laugh and vanished back into the darkness!
My sight points at a drawer before me, like it was staring at me. I wonder what's kept in there. It's been ages since I've wondered through those things I've collected during my life. I walked with a panicky heart, as if I already knew what's kept in there. I went back and forth through memories, in life times, I just couldn't remember what I had kept in there! I slowly walked to that drawer still striving to remember..
I went closer till I reached to open it; I found a paper in that box. Just one sheet of paper, I read what it said and every feeling it once gave me just came back like a tide wave. Oceans of memories just took me back through time again. She suddenly shows up and asks me, if I were ready. I knew then what it was that I wanted most from this life we live. It was her; I wanted so much to be with her at this very moment...
* * *
It was dark and voiceless, nothing seemed to neither move nor be alive in this place. Why am I not scared?! My eyes were too heavy to open, where am I? I just couldn't tell where i was.
it was a room with high ceilings, pink walls and a dark blue with pink-like colors, a dresser next to that deep purpled door, a blue bed made of silk, and a painted walls' creation of an artistic stroke of paint on that far side of the girls room. Her cobbered was made of light pinkish oak wood, and the floor had pinkish marble blended with dark blue natural marble stripes that matched those blue decorated with gold curtains reaching the floor of her room. It's all true! I'm in a girl's room, but was it really hers?
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You're a great writer, but you elaborate alot :D..
oh Sweet She6ona, though i would like very much to think i am, but i hardly stand tall enough next those who really are worth the word "great"
*If the elaboration you refer to was in that last bit when talking about the room, i had to make your mind see what mine wanted you to see. And plus no harm with a little extravagant ornamentation, is there!
*if not, know this, I had to cut it into pieces for you to read, so I had to make the wishing part worthy enough to be an article to stand by its self.
Hi LeoMastic =) .. well I'm no critic :p so don't take my words litteraly :D lol .. I know you wanted to give a clear picture, but personally I felt you didn't give me a chance to make it my own picture.. You know sometimes you need the writer to let you create some things, don't give me everything in advance :D
And plus no harm with a little extravagant ornamentation, is there!
elzayed a5o elnagi9 ;)
Good luck bro!
neatly spoken.
you know there is no known way to man, until now at least, to make the recipient see exactly what the donor wants to see. there always is that little missing detail that the recipient creates for him self at the end of each sentence. i didnt tell you how long her hair was, nor how tall she stood, maybe even if she floated next to me, if you've read you saw what you wanted to see. didnt even say if i were sitting or just laying down on my bed. every reader pictured a different position he found himself comfortable with, true?!
As for the last bit, I gave excessive details for the purpose of capturing the readers interest to what could come next, and another is to create a personality for my character. You can know so much about someone just from one's surroundings! Yes!
Eh! Still think it was too much :p .. And still, I'm no critic h3 .. Anywayz, I re-read this part tonight because I got your comment 8-) and I wanted to dedicate a night to your sotry lol .. And here I am, read part one again 3shan ad5il fi eljaw again :D ..
So, see ya in parts 2 and three ^^,
one whole night dedicated for me and my story?!
So what? :p .. I'm so slow.. I'm a turtle, no, a snail :p you know how sticky it can get on the keyboard when you're a snail :D
Anyways, you were a top priority tonight, so go party :D lol
I am partying.. i am... See! :P
remember i told you to be honest with what you think, well you can forget about that gobbledygook
just tell me how good i am!:D:D:D
Kiddin, be honest but just dont be brutal! (Y) K!
Ah I'm always honest but not brutal ;) maybe you didn't notice that the same way you didn't notice I had a heart :p looool
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