The Massacre

Well okay, now I know you've been waiting for this quite a while now.. For those who read, know that I'm agonizing from a diet stumbled across a few weeks ago.. cabbage Soup, yup you heard it, cabbage soup!
Well in its program, you have to eat one whole boiled chicken on the fifth day... and actually I'm surprised I made it that far.
Okay here's the story...
On a beautiful Wednesday morning I finished classes, and went off to a nearby supermarket, well I thought what better then going to a hypermarket that had just opened next to our university, since it was still day time, I thought well here's my chance to go in. cause when the sun goes down, only families or couples are allowed "geez sounds like a club or something" well it’s the truth. Anyways, I went in and Gèant was really gigantic. I always lose sense of direction when I'm at a huge place, it's just frustrating. I went up and down the isles, got lost a thousand times. And in the end I bought a whole bunch of stuff that I really didn't need. As an excuse to ease my frustration I think.
Anyways it was me and the chicken back at my room. I had no one to cook for me so I was on my own. Well it’s a frozen one so I had to defrost it first, right? The thing was that I didn’t know how or where. So I got my self one of those big water containers and cut the top off and filled it with tap water. Left it for 15 minutes and came to give it a de-skinning job. So I opened the wings a part with one hand and with a sharp knife in my other hand striving to make a cut in its body. It was disgusting I tell you.
After struggling for over 10 minutes I found out that it hadn’t completely thawed out. The legs wouldn't come apart; it was like she was shy or something! It was kinda funny since it's already dead! But how could I when my arms were stretched to the maximum from the smell and I looked at the thing with half an eye with my face turned the other way so I wouldn’t torture my other eye with what's going on. Oh and the smell was horrible! So after finding out that the poor sucker wasn’t completely defrost. I put in some boiled water and waited another fifteen minutes.
I just looked at the semi transparent container and it was Bloody bloddy!!!! I waited and waited. Honestly I lost my appetite from the scene and smell. When everything was done, and the chickens' legs widely spread out, I put my knife back into action again and started cutting. When I reached the pealing of the skin to the wings part, I didn’t know what to do,, so I just broke them. It was a massacre filled with disgust, repulsion and everything else.
I didn’t know how long to keep it in the boiling pot, but Sara said till its tender, so opened the boiler every five minutes to check, and pinched it with a fork. The smell was seriously obnoxious. I sometimes made believe that there were still two more minutes to my next five minutes, when actually it started one minute ago. -- what only me?!!
When it was done, I had no intentions of eating it, we knew one another far more then we had to. I left it in a plate and went out of the room waiting for it to cool down a bit. It was the size of a baby in my arms and I felt like a murderer for doing that. My god I don’t know how you women take it everyday to prepare lunch for us. thank you so very much.
After what had happened couldn’t thank god enough for creating me as a man. And now every time I want to eat chicken that image and smell just hits me back. Seriously I don’t know how will I go on with my life, I guess I'll change the fifth day to fourth day. So I'll just eat fruit for the rest of the diet!
Till this day, I nightmare about the chicken smell stuck in my hands!
Well at first it didnt, but afterwards, I kinda got what you meant before... seriously not even to your worst enemy.
And okay I'll rephrase it, though I really couldn't think of anything else that time.
Okay so how about this..
The legs wouldn't come apart; it was like she was shy or something!
NOW? :)
It's only a chicken for god's sake, and I bet you she preferred to be shy unlike that poor bird you and your friend killed!
Someday u'll get punished for those twisted thoughts.
I'm keeping it as it is unless you give me something more interesting! Ur good for it right! ;)
Hey, yeah I've been waiting for your chicken encounter... I'll say one thing (but can I be satisfied with only one thing? :p).. you can't defrost a chicken? :D That's like obvious :D kidding!! You really had it hard with the chicken, maybe it's fate's way to tell you not to do this cabbage diet :p...
ok, since I became an expert chicken defroster :p let me advise you:
- If frozen chicken, take it out of the freezer and keep it in warm water and within hours (maybe 3) it'll be ready. And by the way, by experience now you know when the chicken is defrosted :D its legs will go apart easily lol!
- To boil the chicken, put in a deep pot after washing the disgusting baby chicken, and add 1 tbsp salt, 1 tbsp cinnamon, 1 tbsp pepper. (these will remove the smell)
- Boil for about 30 minutes on high heat.
And may I say, your blog was SO amusing :D kathir minha bro! lol... and I do agree with Sar, my biggest objection that you said "she", excuse me :D a chicken is not a "she", it's an "it"!! this way you could spread its legs all you want, it wont sound so ... wrong!
And you also said this:
After what had happened couldn’t "thank god enough for creating me as a man".. umm, I can't believe that men really think they're supposed to eat what others cook for the rest of their lives :D lol... very nice blog and chicken pic!
Hey ur back!
about the "she" part, have some respect girl, I got to know my food more then I should have, and that's why I gave her a personality, don't you think she deserves that after all what we went thru?? And Plus, it's a she cos it lays the eggs, well at least she could have if we haven't eaten her I guess! errrr
N babes! I do cook sometimes, well after I see someone doing it before me, and if it tastes all that good, I copy the recipe! I never thought that I had to learn how to boil a chicken; I thought it was easy all this time! Well I just discovered why god created you! P~ hehe - no offence!
thanx for stopping by! ;)
Offence takin :p and good luck with your next chicken friend oops I mean meal h3
U55 C'mon, you know thats not all what you do, you keep the chaos balanced in the world as well.
I got this message a while ago, interesting....
Man discovered weapons and invented hunting.... women discovered hunting and invented fur.
Man discovered colors and invented paint... women discovered paint and invented makeup.
Man discovered the word and invented conversation....women discovered conversation and invented gossip.
Man discovered gamble and invented cards...women discovered cards and invented Witchcraft.
Man discovered agriculture and invented food...women discovered food and invented diet.
Man discovered friendship and invented love... women discovered loved and invented marriage.
Man discovered women and invented sex....women discovered sex and invented headaches.
Man discovered trading and invented money,.. Women discovered money and that's when the world got Fuked up.
don't you think?!
its not food all you do
again no offence! H3 H3
Aww, you get offended easily.
all is well
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