And you thought your day started with anxiety?

Your Wednesday Horoscope Gemini!
There will be some emotional consolation today. A person who once dominated your thoughts and especially your emotions will reappear but with no measurable effect on you. This is a triumph of your heart. The next few days emphasize similar independence
I normally don't believe in horoscopes. its just rubbish. But from time to time, it's nice to read and then smile when something you've just read this morning happens. even though you dont really remember what it said all thru the day, so if nothing happens its really not all that dissapointing.
But this one particularly caught my eye. I once was clamed a prince on everything I touch, as far as my piercing sight would fly thru the air was mine, By the person whom I loved. it also happens that she's a Gemini as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what my horoscope is trying to say is that she'll call me tonight and I'll have no feelings for her? Okay, we haven’t spoken in over two years, but that does NOT at all mean that the image of her that leys in my heart has died! I still do feel for her.
I also took the second possibility into consideration, the one which I can't control sorry to say, could it be that I'm the one appearing to her? By phone or reminisce either way I'm appearing. Oh god, that’s an ugly thought!
It's a scary thought that I don't want it to ruin my day! I'll just forget about the whole thing that ever got into my inbox... hopefully!
You know something, after writing this, it's like the 1st possibility was correct!! How could I be so adolescent about this and treat it as a normal thing that only passes thru our day like any other thing??
–- I'll go propose to her before anything bad happens... wish me luck! ;)
Well, as i was on my way, i almost backed out a million times, but then as i got to her door, and as my shivering finger got closer to her doorbell...
i woke up! And it all was just a bad dream! but i still dont understand how this got posted!!! Weird dream, aigh!
Well, I wanted to comment before but I thought I didn't wanna discourage the guy lol! Coz I wanted to add to your list of possibilities for the meaning of your horoscope! The first thing that popped into my head was that she might have been engaged and you don't know and you'll go and make your appearance then it won't affect her 'coz she's already got her *new* man!! Well, you'd probably know if she's engaged or not lol.. but anywayz it was interesting I thought you'll really go and propose and I was all excited for you!! << god i talk too much huh? lol
Oh this is just Great! Now how can i go on with my life?!!!!
kiddin ;)
And speak as much as you like, i do enjoy a good read!
*Oh* oh!! Will do ;)
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